
v 0.2.2 (05/01/2019)

  • Adds the ability to disable the clock drift capability per node or service when a program cannot work with libfaketime preload mechanism

v 0.2.1 (04/17/2019)

  • Fixes NPE when service type is not specified
  • Changes the return value of the runtime’s ip method when using Docker Toolbox from localhost to VM’s ip address

v 0.2.0 (04/02/2019)

  • Ability to impose network delay and loss in a node
  • Scala support for Run Sequence Instrumentation Engine
  • The runner is now thread-safe and multiple test cases can run in parallel and in different threads
  • Stack matcher now matches against the right order of traces in a stack trace instead of the exact given indices
  • New nodes can be added based on a pre-defined service and using a limited node builder after a deployment is started